The Soul grows thirsty wandering in the desert of exile. “From where will my help come?” she cries. Numb, wounded and dissociated, the soul wanders searching for that which will satisfy, quench and revive her purpose and joy. She easily becomes lost in the wilderness of materialism, and is torn by both fears and desires. Buried in the physicality of the body, she has all but forgotten her true home and her awesome divine nature.

There are wells in the desert! Discover them here. Together we will dig wells of sustenance, and discover mystical refreshing waters that will nourish and replenish the soul of life! Choose to attend a tele-conference class, or individual coaching and discover purpose and freedom again.

Here we can
create a sacred container for hard work miracles to occur. Together we will validate the experience of pain, dysfunction and brokenness and mend life’s scars. Finally the soul will shine like a diamond from the hands of an expert gem cutter! We will discover and affirm purpose, skills, gifts, abilities and inner beauty, as we become witnesses to miraculous transformation. We are standing at the door of Sacred Space and Time, a time of healing for the people of the planet and our world. And together, we can Repair The World!

Through the use of
powerful questions, EFT, and the inner witness, consciousness awakens, and freedom and joy are born anew. Whatever your struggle, in emotional issues, health, relationships, personhood, or abundance, give Coaching for Insight a chance.